Friday, October 23, 2009

Grave markers from 1800s wrecked at Indiana cemetery - WTHR |

Grave markers from 1800s wrecked at Indiana cemetery - WTHR | Things like this I know for a fact pisses South Indy Paranormal Investigators off! As a group and family we need to do something! Any suggestions or ideas?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hannah House Halloween 2009

South Indy Paranormal Investigators would like to welcome you out this month every Friday and Saturday to enjoy a historic tour along with the commercial haunted house at Indy's One and ONLY Historic Haunted House! Yes thats right the Hannah House =) You will find our group, along with several other booths set up in the yard while you wait for your group number to be called! Come and stop by an get your photo taken with your head in a guillotine for only $5.00! All proceeds are donated to the Hannah House! You can also pick up your glow bracelets 3 for a $1.00! Hope to see you there!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Article on South Indy Paranormal with the

South indy paranormal investigators
October 13, 2:54 AMIndianapolis Paranormal Investigations ExaminerAmy Hansford

Tonight I had the privilege of interviewing one of Indianapolis'
paranormal teams, South Indy Paranormal. I actually had the opportunity to interview them on their live radio show. This was my first experience with an Internet radio show. If you have the chance to listen to one of their shows you can find them on Blog Talk Radio Mondays from 10:30pm to 12:30am.

The members I had the opportunity to speak with this evening were Dennis, Terri, Tony, Jason, and Kat. Dennis and Terri are the founders for the group. Dennis is also the Tech manager. Tony is the team's case manager. Jason is the PR person as well as tech assistant. Kat is their sensitive/medium out of Washington state. Their team was established in mid December 2008 and their team consists of 8 members.

All paranormal investigators have their reasons for getting interested in the paranormal. South Indy Paranormal is no different. Their reasons range from being the team skeptic, trying to find out all the information one can and hoping to see something to make one believe to lights turning on and off by themselves.

South Indy Paranormal's list of equipment: 4 infrared day/night vision cameras, 2 K-II meters, 3 EMF detectors, 4 digital voice recorders, 4 digital cameras, a digital camcorder, camcorder, DVR system with 500GB hard drive, duct tape, and an Olympus multi directional recorder which was donated to their team by Steve Abney of Stone Graphics paranormal out of Iowa.

When it is time to investigate a property South Indy Paranormal has a certain way they go about investigating. There is an interview process with the potential client. Then they research the property and set a time to come out and investigate. When they get to the property there is paperwork that needs to be signed by the client and the group. Privacy statements and liability waivers. They ten ask the client if they want to stay or leave. This is totally left up to the client. Before the actual investigating begins they do an EMF sweep of the property so they have a base reading to go by. When it gets dark, they go lights out! The investigating begins.

South Indy Paranormal has had several investigations. They have had two residential investigations. They have investigated Spring Mill and Lawrence County Museum. This group is a close knit group who have fun while striving to do their best when it comes to investigating. They do not charge their clients to come out and investigate. They do not have membership dues either. All of their equipment, shirts, hats, etc...have been purchased by the founders of this team.

They have been working as volunteers at the Hanna House this month helping with their haunted house. Two of their members are monsters in the haunted house and they also helped with the construction. On Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm - midnight during the month of October they have a booth out in front of the Hanna House. They are selling glow sticks and taking pictures of people with the guillotine. Which all proceeds benefit the historic Hanna House. Coming this Christmas they will be helping with Coats for Kids and Toys for Tots. They insist on giving back to their community.

South Indy Paranormal can be reached at their website. Check out their website, look at their pictures and videos. You can also listen to EVPs. You can also call them at 317-641-0005, you can leave them a message and they will return you call. You can also email Tony, case manager, at